08.29.08 Where Amazing Happens: Promise

Why do we love basketball? There’s plenty of sports out there, why this one? What makes this game so special?

You wait on draft night, who will your team pick? The draft can change a franchise’s fortunes in the blink of an eye. Will this be the next Duncan or the next Kwame? Everything or nothing, all hangs in the balance. The pick is…

A little man, kind of funny looking, walks up to the podium, this is the commissioner of the NBA. This is David Stern. His presence, or more importantly, his voice has been attached to all the great memories we have of this night.

“With the third pick the Chicago Bulls select… Michael Jordan!”

Will this happen again?

Your team has made its pick; he’s hyped as a special player. He’s one for the ages, they say. He’ll do great things, they say.

You start to dream about the MVP trophies, the game winning shots, the championship parades… You’re team has a date with destiny!

You see the promise, and soon, so will everyone else!

In his first game, the hope of your franchise doesn’t explode. The true vision of his greatness will have to wait. You know it’s coming, but not tonight.

Now a few weeks have gone by and you’re still waiting. The promise is still just promise. You want results.

Sure, you’ve seen the glimpse of what he can be, but what if he never gets there? What if the pedestal is too high?

You’re franchise has wasted this opportunity. They could’ve picked anyone, anyone but this scrub.

You sit in front of your TV on all-star weekend, hoping the rest will give him the spark he’s lacked. The rookies once again lose to the sophomores, and he didn’t even put up a fight.

All-star weekend comes and goes, with it, your playoff hopes. The team is losing and your big pick, the bet of the franchise has let you down.

Still, you decide you’ll tune in and watch his last few games of his rookie season, hoping he’s better next year.

The game is close; you’re up against a tough team. This team will go to the playoffs that you’re team won’t.

He has the ball with mere seconds to go left on the clock in the fourth quarter. The score is tied! Like Jerry, like Magic, like Larry… Like Mike, he steps on the floor after his team’s last timeout is used. He’s calm. He’s confident. This is his moment. This is your moment. What happens next?

What happens next?

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